Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I'm finally blogging and otherwise wasting someone else's time

Let me introduce myself. My name is Zac. I'm getting old(er), all of 53. I have a wife, 3 kids, a house, 2 cars. It sounds like a pretty typical American life, and it is. I have my interests, my pet peeves, my likes, dislikes. Maybe you can tell from the Blog's name what my primary interest is? Yes, that's right, I'm into Baseball. No, maybe that's not it.

I started cycling when I was in High School, Stuyvesant HS in NYC. Yes, I'm a Stuy grad. That and 30 cents would get you on the subway back then. My first real bike was a Peugeot UO-18, a 10 speed with some of the worst brakes you've ever seen. I would ride it all around Brooklyn, maybe to Manhattan, and even out to New Jersey. Back then, riding out to NJ on route 9W wasn't just another spin on the bike, but was considered a totally crazy thing to do, especially if you were only 16. I only wish my 15 year old son would have such an interest.

Cycling has had its ups and downs since then. I rode in college, and afterwards too, but slowed down a lot after I had kids.

My other interests, in no particular order, are piano, beer brewing, diy audio, trains (totally geeky), cooking, eating, drinking, the neighborhood and the rest of Brooklyn, politics (Obama!). As I go through these activities I'll post more about them.

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